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New arrival: Unique recombinant protein

Date:2021-07-02 Views:1252

Abbkine’s new day is coming in July. There are 4 new products in this issue, including 3 recombinant protein products  and 1 biochemical test kit, the specific information is as follows:

3 recombinant protein and 1 biochemical test kit

Next, I will focus on introducing 3 recombinant protein products in this issue!

Established in 2012, Abbkine always listens to customer needs and continues to develop innovative biological reagent products, hoping to become a key promoter in the fields of life sciences and drug research and development. After unremitting efforts, Abbkine has established a complete protein expression platform, focusing on cultivating professional and excellent technical personnel. It has successively developed hundreds of high-quality recombinant protein products and established a complete set of production, quality control and activity evaluation system. The types of spot are increasing. At present, these recombinant protein products can be used in the biological research of humans, mice, rats and other species, covering multiple research directions such as immunology, neurobiology, stem cell research, and cancer research.

Type Related Products
Cytokines Interleukin, tumor necrosis factor, growth factor, chemokine,

Interferon, colony stimulating factor

Immune checkpoint PD-1、PD-L1
Target protein CD38、CD20
CD antigen CD86、CD80、CD19、CD7/GP40、CD22
Other recombinant proteins LPT, TRAIL, LIF, etc.


Advantages of Abbkine recombinant protein products

a:Provide reconstitution buffer

Each tube of lyophilized powder product is equipped with a reconstitution buffer (1mL), which makes the experiment operation simple and fast.

b:High purity

Detected by SDS-PAGE, the purity is above 95%.

c:Low endotoxin

Measured by the LAL method, the endotoxin content per microgram of protein is <1 EU.

d:Short delivery time

Domestic shipping time does not exceed 3 days.


【Annexin V/ANXA5】Recombinant Human Annexin A5

Introduction to Annexin V

Annexin V is a calcium ion-dependent phospholipid binding protein with a molecular weight of 35~36KDa, which can specifically bind to phosphatidylserine PS with high affinity. In normal cells, phosphatidylserine is only distributed on the inner side of the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. In the early stage of cell apoptosis, the membrane phosphatidylserine (PS) turns from the inner side of the lipid membrane to the outer side. As a phospholipid binding protein, Annexin V has a high affinity with phosphatidylserine. It binds to the cell membrane of cells in the early stage of apoptosis through the phosphatidylserine exposed on the outside of the cell. Therefore, Annexin V is a sensitive indicator for detecting early cell apoptosis.

Product information

Annexin V-ANXA5 product info

Demonstration of the experiment results

Fig. Abbkine lyophilized annexin V protein, lyophilized at 37°C for 4 days, 37°C for 7 days, and A brand annexin V protein

Fig. Abbkine lyophilized annexin V protein, lyophilized at 37°C for 4 days, 37°C for 7 days, and A brand annexin V protein, are respectively  labeled  with AbFluor488 fluorescent dye for apoptosis staining using LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit (abbkine, KTL0520-10k) . Hela cells were treated with Biyuntian Cell Apoptosis Positive Control Kit (C0005, 1:1000 dilution) for 24 hours, then stained and observed by fluorescence microscope.

Related product information

Product Name Item No.
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) PRP3002
TUNEL Apoptosis Detection Kit (Orange Fluorescence) KTA2011
TUNEL Apoptosis Detection Kit (Green Fluorescence) KTA2010
Annexin V-AbFluor™ 488 Apoptosis Detection Kit KTA0002
Annexin V-AbFluor™ 555 Apoptosis Detection kit KTA0003


【FGF21】Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21

Introduction to FGF21

FGF21 is a member of the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGFs) family. The proteins of this family have a wide range of mitogenic and cell survival activities, and are involved in a variety of biological processes, such as angiogenesis, wound healing, neurodevelopment, and tumor occurrence and development. Most FGFs (FGF3-8, 10, 15, 17-19, 21-23) have typical signal sequence secreted proteins at the N-terminus. Among them, Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF 21) is specific in the liver Sexual expression, reducing blood sugar and triacylglycerols through the scope of adipose tissue and pancreas. Glucagon improves the function of pancreatic islet B cells, thereby preventing diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. In addition, FGF21 has also been shown to be a major The endogenous regulatory factors of serotonin play a key role in fasting and ketosis.

Product information

FGF21 product info

Related product information

Product Name Item No.
Human FGF1/FGF acidic  protein PRP1001
Human bFGF protein PRP1010
Mouse bFGF protein PRP1011
Rat bFGF protein PRP1210


sRANKLRecombinant human soluble RANK ligand

Introduction to sRANKL

Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11, also known as nuclear factor receptor activator kappa-B ligand, osteoprotegerin ligand, TNFSF11, RANKL, TRANCE, OPGL and CD254, expressed in a variety of cells, including osteogenic Cells, fibroblasts, activated T cells and bone marrow stromal cells can interact with the decoy receptor OPG. TNFSF11 participates in many basic biological processes, such as regulating the interaction between T cells and dendritic cells, regulating T cell-dependent immune responses and enhancing bone resorption in humoral hypercalcemia of malignant tumors. TNFSF11 also enhanced the ability of dendritic cells to stimulate the proliferation of naive T cells.

Product information

sRANKL product info

Related product information

Product Name Item No.
Mouse RANKL protein PRP1114



Inspire your cell and protein

Abbkine focuses on the fields of proteinology and cytology, and is committed to the innovation and research and development of various antibodies, proteins, analytical reagents and kits, in order to become a key promoter in the development of life science research, drug development and other fields. We provide you with the favorite products of protein and immune research users, from basic immunological products, such as protein extraction and quantification, to internal reference label antibodies, primary antibodies and secondary antibodies for immunological experiments; the favorite products of cell research users, from Dyes and kits for detecting cell status, organelle extraction kits, cell substructure staining and tracking and cell metabolism detection products, to cytokine and protein detection kits for cell culture, just to help your research career !