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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
KTP4004 ExKine™ Mitochondrion Extraction Kit (Tissue) Dehydroepiandrosterone protects against hepatic glycolipid metabolic disorder and insulin resistance induced by high fat via activation of AMPK-PGC-1α-NRF-1 and IRS1-AKT-GLUT2 signaling pathways(KTP4004-4.82) 4.82 International Journal of Obesity
PRP100190 Human TGF-β1 protein MiR-132 enhances proliferation and migration of HaCaT cells by targeting TIMP3(PRP100190-3.049) 3.049 Royal society of chemistry
PRP100400 Porphyromonas gingivalis induces depression via downregulating p75NTR-mediated BDNF maturation in astrocytes(PRP100400-6.09) 6.09 Brain, behavior, and Immunity
PRP100503 In Situ Mannosylated Nanotrinity-Mediated Macrophage Remodeling Combats Candida albicans Infection(PRP100503-) ACS Publications