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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A24231 IFKine™ Green Donkey Anti-Goat IgG Neuropilin-2 promotes primary liver cancer progression by potentiating the activity of hepatic stellate cells(A24231-1.84) 1.84 Oncol Lett
A24411 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG STING promotes NLRP3 localization in ER and facilitates NLRP3 deubiquitination to activate the inflammasome upon HSV-1 infection(A24411-6.02) 6.02 PLoS Pathogens
A24411 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG TRPV4 inhibition improved myelination and reduced glia reactivity and inflammation in a cuprizone-induced mouse model of demyelination(A24411-) Frontiers Cell Neuroscience
A24411 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG Adverse Impact of Ambient PM2. 5 on Expression and Trafficking of Surfactant Protein A through Reactive Oxygen Species Damage to Lamellar Bodies(A24411-3.36) 3.36 Toxicology letters
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Mitochondrial Division Inhibitor 1 Ameliorates Mitochondrial Injury, Apoptosis, and Motor Dysfunction After Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Rats(A24421-2.8) 2.8 Neurochemical research
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Leptin/leptinR-kisspeptin/kiss1r-GnRH pathway reacting to regulate puberty onset during negative energy balance(A24421-3.4) 3.4 Life sciences
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Protective effects of hydrogen sulfide on acute spinal cord injury in rats(A24421-4.72) 4.72 Talanta
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Spinal CX3CL1/CX3CR1 May Not Directly Participate in the Development of Morphine Tolerance in Rats(A24421-2.8) 2.8 Neurochem Res
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Berberine improves motor function recovery by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal apoptosis via AMPK activation in rats with spinal cord injury(A24421-0) 0 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology
A24421 IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG Neuropilin-1 promotes primary liver cancer progression by potentiating the activity of hepatic stellate cells(A24421-1.84) 1.84 Oncol Lett