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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Digital Single Virus Electrochemical Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay for Ultrasensitive H7N9 Avian Influenza Virus Counting(A23220-6.38) 6.38 Analytical Chemistry
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Invasion of midgut epithelial cells by a persistently transmitted virus is mediated by sugartransporter 6 in its insect vector.(A23220-6.02) 6.02 PLoS Pathogens
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Integrated Proteomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Long Noncoding RNA HOX Transcript Antisense Intergenic RNA (HOTAIR) Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Proliferation by Regulating Opioid Growth Factor Receptor (OGFr)(A23220-5.41) 5.41 Molecular & Cell Proteomics
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG SNAI1, an endothelial–mesenchymal transition transcription factor, promotes the early phase of ocular neovascularization(A23220-5.37) 5.37 Angiogenesis
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Inhibition of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption by an Apolipoprotein E-Mimetic Peptide Ameliorates Early Brain Injury in Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage(A23220-4.87) 4.87 Translational Stroke Research
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Hyperglycemia Altered the Fate of Cardiac Stem Cells to Adipogenesis through Inhibiting the β-Catenin/TCF-4 Pathway(A23220-4.81) 4.81 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Apolipoprotein E-Mimetic Peptide COG1410 Promotes Autophagy by Phosphorylating GSK-3β in Early Brain Injury Following Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage(A23220-3.99) 3.99 Frontiers in Neuroscience
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Bisphenol A induced male germ cell apoptosis via IFNβ-XAF1-XIAP pathway in adult mice(A23220-3.94) 3.94 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG TGFβ signaling controls intrahepatic bile duct development may through regulating the Jagged1‐Notch‐Sox9 signaling axis(A23220-3.89) 3.89  Journal of Cellular Physiology
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Stimulation of mouse vibrissal follicle growth by recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 20(A23220-2.22) 2.22 Biotechnology Letters