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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A23410 Dylight 594, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Cellular nuclear-localized U2AF2 protein is hijacked by the flavivirus 3'UTR for viral replication complex formation and RNA synthesis(A23410-3.3) 3.3 Veterinary Microbiology
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Cellular nuclear-localized U2AF2 protein is hijacked by the flavivirus 3'UTR for viral replication complex formation and RNA synthesis(A23220-3.3) 3.3 Veterinary Microbiology
ABT2060 Anti-Myc Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (2D5) A molluscan IRF interacts with IKKα/β family protein and modulates NF-κB and MAPK activity(ABT2060-8.2) 8.2 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
A23260 Tailam paramyxovirus C protein inhibits viral replication(A23260-5.4) 5.4 Journal of Virology
A22210 Cy3, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Tailam paramyxovirus C protein inhibits viral replication(A22210-5.4) 5.4 Journal of Virology
A21010 HRP, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG CD206 modulates the role of M2 macrophages in the origin of metastatic tumors(A21010-3.9) 3.9 Journal of Cancer
BMU106 Histone lysine demethylase KDM5B facilitates proliferation and suppresses apoptosis in human acute myeloid leukemia cells through the miR-140-3p/BCL2 axis.(BMU106-4.5) 4.5 RNA
KTB1300 CheKine™ Micro Glucose Assay Kit Tea seed saponin‑reduced extract ameliorates palmitic acid‑induced insulin resistance in HepG2 cells(KTB1300-3.4) 3.4 Molecular Medicine Reports
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Cobalt-induced apoptosis of cochlear organotypic cultures and HEI-OC1 cells is mediated by Dicer(A23220-3.4) 3.4 NeuroToxicology
A21020 HRP, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Gastrodin alleviates premature senescence of vascular endothelial cells by enhancing the Nrf2/HO‐1 signalling pathway(A21020-5.3) 5.3 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine