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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A02040 Cullin3/KCTD5 induces monoubiquitination of ΔNp63α and impairs its activity(A02040-3.43) 3.43 FEBS Letters
A02040 Protein interactome of the deamidase phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthetase (PFAS) by LC-MS/MS(A02040-2.62) 2.62 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 13 April 2019
A02040 F‐box proteins MoFwd1, MoCdc4 and MoFbx15 regulate development and pathogenicity in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae(A02040-4.96) 4.96 Environ Microbiol
A02050 Construction of a directional T vector for cloning PCR products and expression in Escherichia coli(A02050-2.09) 2.09 Plasmid
A02050 A zebrafish intelectin ortholog agglutinates both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria with binding capacity to bacterial polysaccharide(A02050-3.02) 3.02 PloS one
A02050 Evidence of VP1 of duck hepatitis A type 1 virus as a target of neutralizing antibodies and involving receptor-binding activity(A02050-1.52) 1.52 World Neurosurgery
A02050 An Ultrasensitive Gold Nanoparticle-based Lateral Flow Test for the Detection of Active Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A(A02050-3.22) 3.22 Nanoscale Res Lett
A02050 An Asparagine-Rich Protein Nbnrp1 Modulate Verticillium dahliae Protein PevD1-Induced Cell Death and Disease Resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana(A02050-4.47) 4.47 Front Plant Sci
A02050 Oral yeast-based DNA vaccine confers effective protection from Aeromonas hydrophila infectionon Carassius auratus.(A02050-3.62) 3.62 Fish & Shellfish Immunology
A02050 Zebrafish intelectin 1 (zITLN1) plays a role in the innate immune response(A02050-3.62) 3.62 Fish & Shellfish Immunology