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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG GABAB receptor antagonist promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and facilitates cognitive function recovery following acute cerebral ischemia in mice(A23220-6.7) 6.7 Stem Cell Research & Thergpy
A23210 DyLight 488, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG GABAB receptor antagonist promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and facilitates cognitive function recovery following acute cerebral ischemia in mice(A23210-6.7) 6.7 Stem Cell Research & Thergpy
A23410 Dylight 594, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG GABAB receptor antagonist promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and facilitates cognitive function recovery following acute cerebral ischemia in mice(A23410-6.7) 6.7 Stem Cell Research & Thergpy
A21010 HRP, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Iguratimod-encapsulating PLGA-NPs induce human multiple myeloma cell death via reactive oxygen species and Caspase-dependent signalling(A21010-5.1) 5.1 International Immunopharmacology
A21020 HRP, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Iguratimod-encapsulating PLGA-NPs induce human multiple myeloma cell death via reactive oxygen species and Caspase-dependent signalling(A21020-5.1) 5.1 International Immunopharmacology
BMD00064 Zuojin Pill ameliorates chronic atrophic gastritis induced by MNNG through TGF-β1/PI3K/Akt axis(BMD00064-6.3) 6.3 Journal of Ethnopharmacology
BMD00060 Zuojin Pill ameliorates chronic atrophic gastritis induced by MNNG through TGF-β1/PI3K/Akt axis(BMD00060-6.3) 6.3 Journal of Ethnopharmacology
ABP53164 CHYR1 ubiquitinates the phosphorylated WRKY70 for degradation to balance immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana(ABP53164-13) 13 New Phytologist
A23320 Dylight 549, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Effect of Sutellarin on Neurogenesis in Neonatal Hypoxia–Ischemia Rat Model: Potential Mechanisms of Action(A23320-) The American Journal of Chinese Medicine
A23610 Dylight 649, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG The Effects of Ionotropic GABA Receptor Blockage on Brain in Sepsis-induced Rats(A23610-) Research Square