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Catalog no Product name Protocol name IF Magazine title
A23410 Dylight 594, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG G-CSF reduces loss of dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting TNF-α and IL-1β in mouse model of Parkinson's disease(A23410-2.107) 2.107 Int J Neurosci
A23420 Dylight 594, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG G-CSF reduces loss of dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting TNF-α and IL-1β in mouse model of Parkinson's disease(A23420-2.107) 2.107 Int J Neurosci
ABL1010 Anti-β-Actin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (1C7) MiR-375 impairs the invasive capabilities of hepatoma cells by targeting HIF1α under hypoxia(ABL1010-2.751) 2.751 Digestive Diseases and Sciences
A25012 IPKine™ HRP, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG LCS MiR-375 impairs the invasive capabilities of hepatoma cells by targeting HIF1α under hypoxia(A25012-2.751) 2.751 Digestive Diseases and Sciences
A23220 Dylight 488, Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG MiR-375 impairs the invasive capabilities of hepatoma cells by targeting HIF1α under hypoxia(A23220-2.751) 2.751 Digestive Diseases and Sciences
ABP56724 CM-Dil Staining and SEC of Plasma as an Approach to Increase Sensitivity of Extracellular Nanovesicles Quantification by Bead-Assisted Flow Cytometry(ABP56724-3.094) 3.094 Membranes (Basel)
ABP56569 CM-Dil Staining and SEC of Plasma as an Approach to Increase Sensitivity of Extracellular Nanovesicles Quantification by Bead-Assisted Flow Cytometry(ABP56569-3.094) 3.094 Membranes (Basel)
ABP52932 IL-1β Polyclonal Antibody Rosuvastatin Nanomicelles Target Neuroinflammation and Improve Neurological Deficit in a Mouse Model of Intracerebral Hemorrhage(ABP52932-5.115) 5.115 Int J Nanomedicine
KTA1020 Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) TUC338 promotes diffuse large B cell lymphoma growth via regulating EGFR/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway(KTA1020-2.206) 2.206 J Oncol
KTA2031 EdU Cell Proliferation Image Kit (Orange Fluorescence) TUC338 promotes diffuse large B cell lymphoma growth via regulating EGFR/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway(KTA2031-2.206) 2.206 J Oncol.