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    Human RSPO1/R-spondin 1 Protein, His-SUMO tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(100) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1122)

    Descriptions:R-spondin 1 (RSPO1, Roof plate-specific Spondin 1) is a cysteine-rich secreted glycoprotein that belongs to the R-Spondin family. Structurally, R-spondin 1 harbors an N-terminal signal peptide, two cysteine-rich furin-like (FU1-FU2) domains, a thrombospondin (TSP) domain, and a basic amino acid-rich (BR) C-terminal domain. R-spondin 1 acts as a ligand for the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor (LGR) family (LGR4/5/6), subsequent clearing negative regulators ZNRF3/RNF43 from the membrane, leading to the availability of Wnt receptor and activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling. The signal cascade is essential for regulating stem cell proliferation, embryonic development, and tissue homeostasis.

    Applications:His-SUMO tag

    Tags:RSPO1/R-spondin 1

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    Mouse VEGF121 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(99) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1186)

    Descriptions:Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors 121 (VEGF121) is a truncated version of VEGF165, which produced in E. coli is a homodimer, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain and having a molecular mass of 28.4 kDa. There is three different isoforms (120, 164 and 188 a.a.) found in mouse. VEGF 121 shows that lack basic heparin-binding regions and are freely diffusible. Mouse VEGF121 shares 98% identity with corresponding regions of rat, 89% with canine, feline, equine and porcine, and 87% with human, ovine and bovine VEGF, respectively.


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    Mouse IL-12 p40 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(99) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1173)

    Descriptions:Interleukin 12 (IL-12) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine with a molecular weight of 70 kDa composed of two subunits, IL-12 p35 (35 kDa) and IL-12 p40 (40 kDa). IL-12 p40 is induced in excess over the other subunits of IL-12 and IL-23 and can exist in a monomeric or homodimeric form.

    Tags:IL-12 p40

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    Mouse FGF-17 Protein

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1228)


    Applications:No tag


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    Mouse IL-31 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1176)

    Descriptions:Interleukin 31 (IL-31) is a 15.65 kDa cytokine with 141 amino acid residues. IL-31 is mainly secreted from Th2 cells and binds to a receptor called IL-31RA. Upon binding to IL-31RA, IL-31 activates several signal pathways like MAPK, PI3K/AKT, and Jak/STAT pathways. It is critical in regulating many biological functions, such as cell proliferation, hematopoiesis, induction of cytokines, inflammation, and immune response. It also responds to an antigen by facilitating cell-mediated immunity.


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    Human BMP-8a Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1197)

    Descriptions:Bone Morphogenetic Protein-8 (BMP-8) is an extracellular multifunctional cytokine that is also a member of the TGF-β family. BMP-8 can bind with TGF-β receptor and is involved in SMAD protein signal transduction. In addition, BMP-8 participates in the downregulation of insulin secretion that lets the heat stabilize. Moreover, it participates in ossification and is essential to cartilage and hard bone development.

    Applications:His tag


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    Human Galectin-2 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1215)

    Descriptions:Galectin-2 (Gal-2) is a lectin family member and structurally closely related to galectin-1. It contains one carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD), responsible for β-galactoside binding, and is biologically active as homodimers. Galectin-2 serves as a proapoptotic effector for activated T cells through caspase-3 signaling. Moreover, galectin-2 has emerged as a crucial factor in driving the macrophage to CD40-positive M1 polarization, leading to arteriogenesis attenuation and collateral arteries remodeling.

    Applications:His tag


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    Human IL-38 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1919)

    Descriptions:Interleukin-38 (IL-38) is a member of the interleukin-1 cytokine family. IL-38 is a ligand for soluble IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI). IL-38 could block the IL-36 pathway by inhibiting the IL-36 cytokine binding to their receptor. This process shows that IL-38 has anti-inflammatory properties. IL-38 is expressed in the immune organs, specifically in the skin and the tonsil, indispensable for B cell proliferation.


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    Mouse CCL4 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1189)

    Descriptions:C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 4 (CCL4) is a 7.66 kDa cytokine with 69 amino acid residues. CCL4, also named macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β), is mainly secreted from neutrophils, monocytes, B cells, T cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells. In addition, CCL4 participates in immune responses, including recruitment of immune cells like lymphocytes, monocytes, and leukocytes, response to IL-1 and IFNγ, and production of TNF when CCL4 binds to CCR5.


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    Human BMP-13 Protein, His tag (Animal-Free)

    Views(98) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1205)

    Descriptions:Bone Morphogenetic Protein-13 (BMP-13), known as Growth differentiation factor 6 (GDF6), is an extracellular multifunctional cytokine that is also a member of the TGFβ family. BMP-13 can bind with the TGFβ receptor and induce SMAD protein signal transduction. BMP-13 is a regulatory protein that can affect the growth and differentiation of developing embryos. Moreover, it plays a role in regulating the patterning of the ectoderm and controlling eye development.

    Applications:His tag

