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    Mouse β-NGF protein

    Views(128) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1143)

    Descriptions:Beta-Nerve Growth Factors (Beta-NGF) is a 27 kDa cytokine with 241 amino acid residues. Beta-NGF belongs to neurotrophin family, and acts as neurotrophic factors. It's composed of alpha, beta, gamma subnuits, and the beta subunit is related to its biological activity. Beta-NGF binds to p75 neurotrophin receptor and Trk receptor and their function is about cell death and survival, respectively.


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    Human PDGF-BB Protein

    Views(128) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1083)

    Descriptions:Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent mitogen and chemoattractant for mesenchymal and osteogenic cells and stimulates angiogenic molecules which play an essential role in bone regeneration. PDGF-BB is a member of PDGF family, which promotes cell proliferation, survival and migration, through binding to the tyrosine kinase PDGF receptor.


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    Mouse EGF protein

    Views(126) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1142)

    Descriptions:Epidermal Growth Factors (EGF) is a member of the EGF-family of proteins. EGF is mainly secreted from ectodermal cells, monocytes, kidney and duodenal glands. Upon binding to its receptor, EGFR, EGF acts to stimulate cell growth and proliferation of epithelial cells, play important roles in many developmental processes including accelerate tooth eruption, inhibits gastric acid secretion, and involve in wound healing.


  • Human VEGF165 protein

    Views(126) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP100240)

    Descriptions:Human VEGF165 protein, expressed in HEK293 Cells


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    CheKine™ Pro Malondialdehyde (MDA) Fluorometric Assay Kit

    Views(126) Publications(0) Catalog No(KTB9050)



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    Human GDF3 Protein

    Views(126) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1070)

    Descriptions:GDF-3 (previously called Vgr-2) is a TGF-beta superfamily member belonging to the growth/differentiation factor family. GDF-3 is expressed in undifferentiated embryonic stem (ES) cells, white adipose tissue and the brain. The 366 amino acid (aa) mouse GDF-3 contains a 22 aa signal sequence, a 230 aa propeptide and a 114 aa mature protein that contains one potential N-glycosylation site. The mature region contains a cysteine-knot structure that is conserved throughout family members. However, it lacks the fourth cysteine which is responsible for the formation of an inter-molecular disulfide bond, so GDF-3 may exist as a non-covalent homodimer. Mature human GDF-3 shares 83%, 83% aa sequence identity with mouse and rat GDF-3. Most of GDF-3 is present as the uncleaved prepro form. The uncleaved and the mature forms both appear to have activity, but that activity may differ. All forms can oppose BMPs. In ES cells, inhibition of BMP2 signaling by GDF-3 maintains pluripotency. GDF-3 also influences early cell fate decisions; for example, deletion of mouse GDF-3 produces defects in the anterior visceral endoderm of the pre-gastrulation embryo. GDF-3 cooperates with GDF-1 in embryogenesis, and the mature protein has nodal-like activity. Although GDF family members signal through BMP receptors (ALK1, 2, 3 and 6), which activate Smads 1, 5 and 8, GDF-3 signaling through ALK4 and ALK7, which activate Smads 2 and 3, has also been reported. In adipocytes, GDF-3 is induced by a high fat diet, promoting adipogenesis and obesity.


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    Human FGF9 Protein

    Views(125) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1071)

    Descriptions:Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) also known as Glia-activating factor or Heparin-binding growth factor 9, is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. FGF family members possess broad mitogenic and cell survival activities, and are involved in a variety of biological processes, including embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis, tissue repair, tumor growth and invasion. This protein was isolated as a secreted factor that exhibits a growth-stimulating effect on cultured glial cells. In nervous system, this protein is produced mainly by neurons and may be important for glial cell development. Expression of the mouse homolog of this gene was found to be dependent on Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Mice lacking the homolog gene displayed a male-to-female sex reversal phenotype, which suggested a role in testicular embryogenesis. FGF9 plays an important role in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cell migration. FGF9 may have a role in glial cell growth and differentiation during development, gliosis during repair and regeneration of brain tissue after damage, differentiation and survival of neuronal cells, and growth stimulation of glial tumors.


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    CheKine™ Micro NADP Malic Enzyme (NADP-ME) Activity Assay Kit

    Views(123) Publications(0) Catalog No(KTB1018)

    Descriptions:Malic enzyme (ME) is widely present in the cytoplasm of microorganisms, cultured cells, animals, and plants, especially with high activity in plant tissues. ME catalyzes the reversible oxidation decarboxylation of malic acid, producing pyruvate and CO2, as well as the reduction reaction accompanied by NAD(P)+, which is a key enzyme in malic acid metabolism.

    Tags:Malic Enzyme, NADP-ME

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    Human S100A9 Protein

    Views(122) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1081)

    Descriptions:Protein S100-A9, also known as S100 calcium binding protein A9, S100A9, and CAGB, is a member of the S-100 family. S100A9 is expressed by macrophages in acutely inflammed tissues and in chronic inflammation. It is also expressed in epithelial cells constitutively or induced during dermatoses. S100A9 is a calcium-binding protein. It has anti-microbial activity towards bacteria and fungi.


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    Human/Mouse BMP-2 Protein

    Views(122) Publications(0) Catalog No(PRP1076)

    Descriptions:Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) is a kind of bone growth regulator, belonging to protein transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) superfamily. BMP-2 protein is involved in hedgehog pathway, TGF-β signaling pathway and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction. BMP-2 and BMP-7 are osteogenic BMP, which have been proved to be effective in inducing osteoblast differentiation in many cell types. The active form of BMP-2 can be composed of dimers of two identical proteins or heterodimers of two related bone morphogenetic proteins.

