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2020-10-28 1145 views

Using Purekine "fishing gear" to fish, the protein club "will be on the bait"

In the last issue, the editor brought you "Dry Goods|Fishing with IP "Hooks", Protein Club "Wishers Take the Bite", and the response was very enthusiastic. In the voice of everyone, the editor is rushing through the previous experimental notes, bringing you the second bullet of protein interaction knowledge-Pull-Down. If the protein interaction is compared to an interesting "fishing" activity, then the Purekine filler we use is a tough and slender "fishing rod" and "fishing line". The known GST-labeled recombinant protein is sharp And the perfect combination of strong "fish hook" and "fish bait", and our target protein is the "fish" that moves freely in the water. The concept of Pull-Down is similar to Co-IP, and its purpose is to study…

2020-10-23 802 views

Role and function of IL-1 / IL-4 / IL-6 / IL-33

Interleukins (ILs) are a group of cytokines secreted by macrophages, lymphocytes and other cells, and were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells (leukocytes). According to different structural characteristics, interleukin can be divided into four categories. However, their amino acid sequence similarity is rather weak (typically 15–25% identity). The main biological functions of the Interleukins are involved in immune response and immune regulation, participating in the molecular system of intercellular signal transmission composed of nerve, endocrine system and cytokines, and involved in inflammation and immunopathological tissue damage. Different interleukins have different sources and functions. Some interleukins can be produced by a variety of immune cells, and one interleukin can also play a role in a variety of cells.…

2020-09-25 1036 views

Using immunoprecipitation "fish hooks" for fishing, the protein will always "hooked with willing"

The thoughtful Thursday is here again, and the editor who has long been unable to bear it is finally released to meet our favorite "Abbkine Fans". This time, the editor brings you a wave of colorful biological science mysteries-protein interaction. If protein interaction is compared to an interesting "fishing" activity, then the tag antibody coupling carrier we use is a sharp and strong "fish hook", and the tag recombinant protein (bait protein) is sweet and delicious. "Bait", and our target protein is the "fish" that moves freely in the water. If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Maybe you are still worrying about the purification and enrichment of the target protein without a…

2020-09-17 1764 views

New Arrivals:Five kinds of biochemical kits meet your needs!

  Last week, we have published a popular science knowledge about depression|hemolytic anemia|cancer treatment|energy transmission, in which several related detection indexes mentioned in the article, such as G6PDH, NADK, ATPase, MAO, etc., quickly attracted the attention of many customers, and they left messages to express their expectation for further understanding. Now the opportunity has come,our company has launched five kinds of biochemical kits, corresponding to the above-mentioned detection indexes. In order to let everyone understand the characteristics of the new product in more detail,this paper will analyze from the principle and advantages.   New product list: CheKine™ Cell Metabolism Assay Kit (High Sensitivity & Stability) Product Name Description Cat. No. Size CheKine™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Determination…

2020-09-03 890 views

Amazing: the popular science knowledge-series 1 (depression|hemolytic anemia|cancer treatment|energy transmission)

1. Be alert: habitual smoking may be a precursor to depression! Monoamine oxidase (MAO, EC1.4.3.4) mainly exists in various organs of vertebrates, especially secretory glands, brain, and liver. It also catalyzes the metabolism of monoamines in plants such as invertebrates and bean buds. The content is low and has important physiological functions. In the human body, MAO has two forms: MAO-A and MAO-B. Too much or too little MAO levels in the body are believed to be the cause of many mental and neurological diseases, such as schizophrenia, depression, attention deficit disorder, migraine, etc. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are one of the main drugs for the treatment of depression. MAO-A inhibitors can be used as antidepressants and anxiolytics, while MAO-B inhibitors…

2020-08-28 940 views

Topic of This Issue: Metabolism

Background: Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms, which are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps into another chemical, each step being facilitated by a specific enzyme. A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways among vastly different species. Metabolism can be conveniently divided into two categories: Catabolism (The breakdown of molecules to obtain energy, such as Cellular respiration) and Anabolism (The synthesis of all compounds needed by the cells, such as proteins and nucleic acids). Nutrition is the key to metabolism. The pathways of metabolism rely upon nutrients that they breakdown in order to produce energy. This energy in turn is required…

2020-08-17 942 views

Topic of This Issue: Cellular respiration

Background: Cellular respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert chemical energy from oxygen molecules or nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. The chemical energy stored in ATP can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis, locomotion or transport of molecules across cell membranes. All living cells must carry out cellular respiration, which can be aerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration. And nutrients that are commonly used in respiration include sugar, amino acids and fatty acids. The reactions of cellular respiration can be grouped into three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle (also called the citric acid cycle), and electron transport. Glycolysis can take…

2020-08-17 646 views

Topic of This Issue: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and It's Family

Background: Reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, hydroxyl ion, nitric oxide, singlet oxygen and alpha-oxygen, consist of radical and non-radical oxygen species formed by the partial reduction of oxygen, which are generated during mitochondrial oxidative metabolism as well as in cellular response to xenobiotics, cytokines, and bacterial invasion. For example, Hydroxyl radical is produced in Haber-Weiss reaction from superoxide and Hydrogen peroxide. ROS generation is normally counterbalanced by the action of antioxidant enzymes and other redox molecules. However, When ROS overwhelm the cellular antioxidant defense system, oxidative stress occurs, which results in direct or indirect ROS-mediated damage of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, and has been implicated in carcinogenesis, neurodegeneration, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus,…

2020-08-14 852 views

Topic of This Issue: Magical Superoxide anion

Background: Superoxide ion (O2·−), which is considered both a radical and an anion with the radical sign ( . ) and a charge of −1, is produced by the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen and is of great significance as a radical species implicated in diverse chemical and biological systems. Superoxide anion is a byproduct of respiration and a crucial component of the immune defense system. It can be generated from two major sources: the mitochondrial respiratory chain and phagocytic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase (NADPH oxidase). Under normal circumstances, the biological system releases an enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), which specifically maintains the Superoxide anion concentration at an optimal level. Nevertheless, whe n overproduction of Superoxide anion occurs and/or antioxidant…

2020-07-27 740 views