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Cell State detection project | cellular proliferation and apoptosis assay

Date:2023-05-18 Views:516
  1. Different cellular states

Living cells: complete cell structure, stable metabolism, normal vitality;

Senescent cells: cell cycle arrest;

Toxic cells: cell proliferation activity decreased, metabolism slowed down;

Apoptotic cells: cell lipid membrane eversion, membrane potential disappeared, DNA fragmentation, programmed death;

Necrotic cell: Loss of membrane integrity, gradual dissolution of the cell membrane, release of contents.


  1. Cell proliferation assay

Detection of cell proliferation is essential to assess cell health, determine genotoxicity or evaluate anticancer drugs, and direct measurement of DNA synthesis is currently the most accurate method. Compared with the BrdU method, EdU method does not require antibodies, is convenient to operate, and has high detection sensitivity. Based on the EdU incorporation and subsequent Click reaction, the covalent reaction between azide and alkynes catalyzed by copper can be completed within 30 min.

Advantages & Features

Complete components: Provide optimized negative control products, exclude false positives;

Simple and convenient: No antibodies, no denaturation steps, maintain cell morphology and DNA integrity;

Stable and reliable: The unique fluorescent dye has good light stability and quenching resistance


Experimental Results

Proliferating Hela cells detected using Cell Proliferation EdU Image Kit (Green Fluorescence)

Proliferating Hela cells detected using Cell Proliferation EdU Image Kit (Orange Fluorescence)

  1. Apoptosis detection

The characteristic of different apoptotic period

Early Stage

Cell lipid membrane everted and mitochondrial membrane potential disappeared

Medium Stage

Massive Caspase activation

Late Stage

DNA fragments, and the broken DNA is exposed to the free 3 '-OH


Abbkine provides kits for detecting the signature features of apoptosis at different stages


Advantages & Features

provide an optimized positive control substance to solve the problem of non-standardized apoptosis detection.

Optimized assay protocol, suitable for fluorescence microplate reader, fluorescence microscope, or flow cytometer.

Universal fluorescence detection parameters, easy detection.


Experimental results

Fluorescence images using Abbkine TUNEL Apoptosis Detection Kit (Green Fluorescence) (left) (Orange Fluorescence) (right) in HeLa cells with the treatment of 10 U/mL Dnase I for 10min.


Abbkine cell state series products make your cell state detection experiment more convenient and free from worries!

Related Product Recommendation

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KTA2031 EdU Cell Proliferation Image Kit (Orange Fluorescence) 100T/500T 119/189
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KTA2011 One-step TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit (Orange Fluorescence) 50T /100 T 259/459
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KTA3020 Caspase-1 Assay Kit (Colorimetric) 20 T/50T/100 T 89/159/289